Adikteev is #2 on the Gaming Retargeting Leaderboard and #3 Globally
Appsflyer has ranked Adikteev number 2 in gaming and number 3 globally among the world's leading retargeting platforms! Find out how we did it.
We’re excited to announce that Adikteev is ranked 3rd for Global Remarketing in the Appsflyer Performance Index! Appsflyer releases the Performance Index every year, ranking the world’s top performing media sources.

Our global ranking is a big leap from number 6, and the quality of our campaigns is what’s driving our success. According to Appsflyer,
“[Facebook’s] scale is unmatched while its quality is second only to that of Adikteev. Google is a strong second, but still trails far behind Facebook in scale and quality. Adikteev made an impressive leap from #6 to #3 thanks to its top quality in campaigns for Gaming apps across North America and Europe."
Gaming excellence
This year, we jumped up to number 2 in Global Gaming. We surpassed Google Ads and are just behind Facebook for best-in-class. Check out our portfolio to see some of the innovative creatives we’ve come up with for our gaming clients

A history of quality
None of this should come as a surprise to those who’ve worked with us. Our clients and partners are consistently impressed with our custom approach and performance. We’ve been delivering the same client-first, quality service to our customers since we started retargeting in 2016. For Adikteev, there’s nowhere to go but up, and we’re proud to be ranked among the top performers in the industry.
Take a look at what some of our clients have to say about us.

Learn more about our quality service from our clients! Read our case studies.