Last update: February 2024
What’s the latest with Privacy Sandbox?
How is Adikteev preparing?
How will it impact retargeting?
When will Google roll it out to Android devices?
This is one of the big unknowns of the project for now. Officially, Android's Privacy Sandbox started its Beta testing phase in March 2023. Right now, it's being tested on some Android 13 devices. This is a chance for those in ad tech and app development to test and fit your ad tools with the new, stable Privacy Sandbox features.
Unofficially, Google's Privacy Sandbox is still a work in progress. They've made some big steps in setting it up, but it's going to keep changing and growing for a few more years until it's fully ready.
What will change for attribution?
Android's Privacy Sandbox has a feature called Attribution Reporting. It's similar to the iOS SKAdNetwork. What it does is let you, as ad buyers, get direct feedback from Android about how well your ads are doing. You can track if users saw or clicked on your ads and then what conversions they completed across ad buyers in a 30-day window.
MMPs can also use an SDK to help set up the Protected Audience feature. This helps them manage groups of users that you might want to retarget, on behalf of you or your ad buyers.